CRM Non Voice

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Certificate in CRMDomestic Voice
Sector: IT-ITES
Sub Sector: Business Process Management(BPM)
Occupation: Customer Care Executive,Manager, Customer Support Engineer etc.
Qualification& Fee Structure:
Candidate EligibilityMinimum: 10th Standard
Registration & CounselingFee: Rs. 100/- Only Payable @Virtual Rozgar as Career Consultancy Company
Course Fee: Rs. 4500/- That would be drawn @Account of the IMC
CourseDuration & Batch Slot Structure
- 30 Students in a Batch
- 30 Student sitting arrangement for the theory class
- 15 Computers in Lab X 2 Student @ 1 PC
- Internet/Wifi enabled computer Lab
- 15 Headphones or Telephone instruments for student communication purpose
- Theory duration : 18 Hrs (3 Hrs X 6 days)
- Practical duration : 18 Hrs (3 Hrs X 6 days)
- Entrepreneurship & Soft skills : 9 Hrs (3 Hrs X 3 days)
- Total Course Duration : 45 Hrs / 15 day
This program isaimed at training candidates for the job of CRM Domestic Voice in the “IT/ITES”industry. The program aims at building the following key competencies amongstthe learner:
1. Interact with customer telephonically orusing other voice based mediums, following standard operating procedure
2. Make an effective sales pitch based onthe identified needs and opportunities
3. Obtain required information fromcustomers using appropriate methods
4. Handle customer queries and issues
5. Close calls with confirmation fromcustomer and suitably record the same
6. Comply with relevant standards,policies, procedures and guidelines
7. Manage one’s own work to meetrequirements
8. Maintain a healthy, safe and secure workenvironment